Unvaeiling the human nature through the Medicine Wheels’ archetypes

The recognition of the life force is an old history in Amerindian Tradition legacy. This brings us a great divine gift: the reminder of who we are, where we live and what we came to do it here on Earth.

This knowledge offers a comprehension system about reality regarding time, space, the universe and the self.


The Medicine Wheel contains multiple applications which explore different levels and aspects of the human experience.

It is an evolutionary stage that approaches childhood, adulthood and The Elders cycle. This Medicine Wheel it is a permanent reference to the interconnection with All That Is and all human beings.

“It is the compass for a sailor who is aware, moment by moment, of the reefs’ dangers and storms that blow strong winds. He notices that there is only one alternative: it is to learn how to live and deal with all personal and collective challenges in a lucid and intelligent point of view by developing a larger energetic capacity of his being and all his potential”.
Sylvie Shining

Roue médecineExploring the workshop

  • Theoretical teachings
  • Consciousness exploration with Drum
  • Sacred Amerindian songs
  • Composition of a personal shield with the 3 archetypes found during the course spiritual practises.